Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Cussin' Love This!

I saw Fantastic Mr. Fox a few weeks back and absolutely adored it.  So when I saw this on my daily blog roll today I thought I would share it with y'all:



So much time and detail are put into the tiny sets of the film that create such a warm and cozy world.  Just makes me want to curl up with a cup of cider and a warm afghan.

Thank you Wes Anderson for bringing me yet another whimsy saturated world for my thoughts to wonder to.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday

Happy New Year Blogland!

I want to take a quick minute to apologize for my lack of posting over the holidays.  Of course my two weeks off flew by and only a few things on my to do list were crossed off.  Sorry!

Today, is Monday and this Monday seems particularly weighty; it is after all, the first Monday of the decade, the year and the month.  Today feels a little more crisp and promising to me than other Mondays past; maybe it is because I have a relatively easy day at the office today or,  perhaps it is the little glimmer of new possibilities that come with the new year or, maybe it is the freshly fallen snow that has covered everything over the last few days, or maybe, just maybe I'm still a little drunk from new years eve (just kidding)!

So I thought I would put together a small list of things that help me get into my week and my Mondays.  I hope you enjoy what's here and let me know if there is anything you do on Monday to lessen the blow?

1. Desire To Inspire - A design blog written  by a Canadian and Australian with a special Monday feature:   Pets on Furniture.

2. Sweet Paul - Recipe Monday. Yum!

3. Go Fug Yourself - This particular blog is a favourite any time or day of the week, see what is going wrong in the world of celebrity fashion.

4. Smashing Magazine - More of a beginning of the month favourite. . . Smashing Magazine is an on-line web development magazine who showcase some really cool stuff and have free monthly calendars for download.

Here are some other blogs and websites that help me get through the week: