Wednesday, February 24, 2010

...Insert appropriate Monty Python quote here....

I could not decide on a title for this post, but at the same time believe it should be Monte Python related.  For some reason I think of Monty Python when I am in transition, and that is what I am.

So it turns out that I nave been super busy at my day job for the past few months (my excuse for lack of posts), as I have been apparently been preparing for my own lay-off.  Boo I know!

But I'm trying to stay positive ("alway look on the bright side of life"), and in doing so I have started to prepare to close this chapter and start on the next ("so long and thanks for all the fish" - see where I'm going with this?).

So there is no "CON" column to my "I have no paying job, now what?"  list only PROS.  So, I have no paying job, now what:

  1. Time to update my killer resume and portfolio!
  2. Time to get organized and maybe even finish unpacking!
  3. Time to invest in my own start-up (?)
  4. Time to take and post pictures for my completed kitchen!
  5. Time to blog.
  6. Time to be creative and thrifty!
  7. No more 2 + hour commute (= more time to do the above)!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Getting Back into the Groove

Hello friends!

I know it has been a while since my last post - but don't think I have forgotten about you.  Like many I think I may be affected by a touch of the mid-winter blahs.

House renos didn't pick up as quickly as we thought they would after the holiday break and now we are having a hard time finding our groove again.  Not to mention that living in a sporadically  furnished and finished house may be starting to wear on my enthusiasm.

The kitchen is ALMOST done, the back-splash is in and is waiting to be grouted. . . I'm hoping that we will be finished with all of our pre-Christmas endeavors and we will be well into phase two by the end of the long weekend next week.

But for right now I am enjoying a quiet and sunny Saturday morning with the cats and some laundry!

Happy weekend everyone!