Wednesday, February 24, 2010

...Insert appropriate Monty Python quote here....

I could not decide on a title for this post, but at the same time believe it should be Monte Python related.  For some reason I think of Monty Python when I am in transition, and that is what I am.

So it turns out that I nave been super busy at my day job for the past few months (my excuse for lack of posts), as I have been apparently been preparing for my own lay-off.  Boo I know!

But I'm trying to stay positive ("alway look on the bright side of life"), and in doing so I have started to prepare to close this chapter and start on the next ("so long and thanks for all the fish" - see where I'm going with this?).

So there is no "CON" column to my "I have no paying job, now what?"  list only PROS.  So, I have no paying job, now what:

  1. Time to update my killer resume and portfolio!
  2. Time to get organized and maybe even finish unpacking!
  3. Time to invest in my own start-up (?)
  4. Time to take and post pictures for my completed kitchen!
  5. Time to blog.
  6. Time to be creative and thrifty!
  7. No more 2 + hour commute (= more time to do the above)!


  1. Way to keep positive. Sometimes we need to be forced to leave a job to find greener pastures, because leaving under our own volition can be nearly impossible.

    I also suggest you take up playing more videogames and maybe develop an alcohol problem.

  2. Always with the lists and positivity. I'm excited for you to have much much deserved time to yourself. In your new space, time to make decisions. All good things.

    And why not make a trip to the Maritimes?
